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Q. In SHIELDrive tab, only two options – ‘Open with Web Office’ and ‘Collaborative Editing with App’ – are available when opening a file. I can’t find ‘Open with App’. Why?

A. ‘Open with App’ and ‘Collaborative Editing with App’ is integrated to ‘Open with App’ to avoid user confusion. 

     All old menus are available through ‘Open with App’.  

Q. We are using MS-Office 2010 and 2013 that we bought through an EA contract. Can we still open the app with such old version?

A. MS-Office 2010 and 2013 are not optimized for Microsoft Teams depending on their specifications.

     Please download and install the latest desktop app through ‘’.

Known issues

Collaborative editing is not supported when opening Teams documents on MS Office 2010 or 2013.
The contents edited by the last user are only kept while the information edited by other uses can disappear.  

Q. How long does the SHIELDrive login session last?

A. After login to SHIELDrive, the session lasts at least 10 minutes. Ten minutes are default values.

    The admin is able to change the session retention period (up to 3 days) in the admin page. 

Q. A ‘not permitted’ message appears when accessing to SHIELDrive on the existing team channel.

A. SHIELDrive and Teams folders are not instantly synchronized.

    It takes about three (3) hours. It could take up to five (5) hours depending on Teams’ response speed and network environments. 

Q. What would happen to the encryption system and number of digits of SHIELDrive?

A. The encryption feature of SHIELDrive for each file has a KCMVP authentication module.

     It can be encrypted in two different methods: ARIA, AES. The encryption key is 256-bit long. 

Q. After completing the signup process, a SHIELDrive tab is not created on Teams.

A. In the Teams linkage menu of SHIELDrive, it is needed to distribute a Microsoft app. It differs depending on the app distribution interval.

     It could take just few hours or up to two (2) days depending on Microsoft’s app distribution interval.

Q. Do I need to install a browser app or extension to use SHIELDrive?

A. You can get access to SHIELDrive without a browser app or extension. In fact, it is okay to use any browser.

Known issues

Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is a browser which is not updated anymore. It is recommended not to use SHIELDrive on the Internet Explorer.
Please use SHIELDrive through a proper browser such as Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.

Q. Is it possible to transfer files between different storages connected to SHIELDrive?

A. Yes. You are able to transfer files between different storages connected to SHIELDrive. Click a file or a menu (“…”) on SHIELDrive.

     Then, the ‘Move’ or ‘Copy’ menu appears. After that, you can move or copy files between different storages through this menu.  

Q. What is the difference between SHIELDrive encryption and encryption from other cloud services?

A. Unlike conventional encryption algorithms, SHIELDrive creates an encryption key by file and executes encryption through this key.

     In addition, unlike regular cloud services, users are able to manage or dispose of the key in person without separate costs.

     In other words, users can directly manage the lifecycle of encryption keys from their creation to disposal.

Q. Is the management of permission to a user account in a team created by Microsoft Teams applicable to the menus linked to SHIELDrive Teams?

A. In SHIELDrive, if a team or channel is created on Teams, permission to such team is fully inherited on the SHIELDrive tab.

     In addition, Security365 enables linkage with Microsoft’s Azure AD information.

     Then, Azure AD’s permission management mechanism can be applied/implemented even on SHIELDrive.

Q. Is SHIELDrive available in mobile environments?

A. SHIELDrive can be accessed and used through a browser on your mobile device.

     You are also able to use all linkage features through Microsoft Teams installed on your mobile device.